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Salah Saouli

A yellow-painted small house with an arched door is placed on a ledge that looks out over the water, in the background you can see Örebro Castle, in the foreground you can see grass and trees.

Photo: Sofie Isaksson

Hundreds of holes in the deep blue walls let the sunlight filter into the room. Outside, life carries on as usual. But inside "Sun Gate", we can stop and be amazed by the play of light in the cool space. Limiting the luminous flux emphasizes and clarifies the contrast between light and shadow, outside and inside, energy and calm. With his golden-yellow artwork, Saouli has created a place for contemplation right in the middle of the urban environment. In a time of climate change, where we all need to think about our habits, there is a need for spaces for contemplation and reflection, Saouli says. Sun Gate is a poetic artwork that, by playing with elements such as light, colour and shape, creates a calm space in the midst of a lively city.

White dots are visible on a black surface. That's what you see when you stand inside the Sun Gate artwork, the holes in the walls allow the sun to shine through the holes.

Photo: Sofie Isaksson

Artwork: Sun Gate

Artist: Salah Saouli

Number on the map:

Material: Wood

Location: The fish passage at Olaigatan and Storbron

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Telefon: 019-21 10 00 

Öppettider: Vardagar kl. 8–16.30

Besöksadress: Näbbtorgsgatan 10

Öppettider: Vardagar kl. 10–16

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